About Us

Mandatory everyday tasks, such as working, sleeping, grocery shopping, personal hygiene, etc. take up the majority of our day. Hence, our spare time is limited. This small percentage of available free time is extremely valuable. We should use this time to increase our well-being and take matters into our own hands. Marc Jörg and David Peran used their free time to accomplish their dream. This dream came to life in 2019 when they founded the startup Lumexus LLC in Elsau (canton of Zurich).

Their vision, to help companies on their way to digitalization, aroused the interest of other energetic and motivated students from various faculties. The teams’ diverse career backgrounds enables Lumexus to cover a wide range of core competencies and support and advise companies from all business areas with the amelioration of their website, communication channels, and web applications.

More precisely, we offer services in the following areas:

Lumexus consists of two founders, IT specialists, and a communications team. The latter joined the Lumexus family in 2020. Due to the different specialists, the programming of creative websites, complex software, and versatile applications can be combined with attractive text- and multimedia production. Additionally, Lumexus provides administrative support for their customers, from the founding of a company to the complex issue of contracts.

We see ourselves as optimizers. We may not improve the world, but we certainly improve the digital processes of companies.